For Communities Cut Off From COVID-Cancelled Cons, a Response with Global Reach

An article I wrote about “Virtual Cons” in the video game industry: “Among the fringe benefits of being a journalist in New York City is the opportunity to attend industry conventions, with full access to things the general public doesn’t get to experience. My last con was February 2020’s Toy Fair, at the Javits Center. Most of the companies I spoke to said they expected a slight delay, about two months, in getting their products to market, due to some virus that was affecting parts of China at the time. In that same week, there was a Boston-based video game convention called the Penny Arcade Expo [PAX] East, which was 2020’s last big convention targeted at the gaming and comic subcultures. Soon after, there was cascade of canceled cons in March, then April, and May. Continue reading at Chelsea Community News.”